Free Reading Response Choice Board
A reading response choice board is much more than a comprehension assessment. It is a vehicle for giving students choice and ownership over their learning. It also provides students with an opportunity to practice weighing out their options when making decisions. Research has consistently shown that providing choices to students of all age levels often increases their intrinsic motivation. According to educational researcher Robert Marzano, “When given choice by teachers, students perceive classroom activities as more important. Choice in the classroom has also been linked to increases in student effort, task performance, and subsequent learning” (Marzano and Pickering, 2010). The post below outlines nine components to include in your fiction reading response choice board. Click the link below to download the printable and digital version today!
- Draw a detailed picture of the setting. Describe your picture using at least three complete sentences.
- Compare yourself to one of the characters in the text. Include two similarities and two differences.
- First, describe the main problem presented in the text. Next, describe how the problem is resolved.
- Explain the mood of the text. List three words from the text that support your mood choice.
- Find, record, and explain one simile or one metaphor used in the text.
- Identify at least one possible theme for this text. Explain your choice using at least three sentences.
- Write three questions that came to mind while or after reading this text.
- First, define a new word you learned from reading this text. Next, use the word in an original sentence.
- Make a connection between the text and something in your life or something in another text.
Click Here to Download the Editable, Printable, and Digital Reading Logs!
“I use this in my online classroom. It’s easy for me to check to see how my students are using it and what their responses it. I appreciate the sentence starters to help my more reluctant writers.” -Lara R.