Text Connections Graphic Organizer
Teach your students how to make text connections with this free graphic organizer! Making text connections is a reading comprehension strategy that helps students gain a deeper understanding of the text. The strategy requires students to connect what they are reading to what they already know. Making authentic connections with the text promotes critical thinking, deepens understanding, and increases the probability of retention.
Types of Text Connections
There are three types of text connections students can make when reading. Each type of connection has a specific purpose and benefit.
- Text-to-Self connections are made between the text and the reader’s personal experiences. Students can connect ideas or situations in the text with their thoughts, past travels, family members, or friends.
- Text-to-Text connections are made between the text being read and a text previously read. Students can connect big ideas, topics, themes, or characters to something they have already read.
- Text-to-World connections are made between the text and world events. Students can connect the text to current events, historical circumstances, or pop culture.
Question Prompts for Making Text Connections
Teach students to make connections with the text using guided questions or prompts. You can use this instructional scaffolding on a bulletin board or anchor chart for students to reference as needed.
Text-to-Self Prompts
Have I ever experienced something like this in my life?
What does this remind me of in my life?
How is this similar to my life?
How is this different than my life?
What did this make me think of when I read it?
Text-to-Text Prompts
How is this like other texts I’ve read?
How is this different from other texts I’ve read?
Have I read something like this before?
Have I read something by this author before?
Text-to-World Prompts
What does this remind me of in the news?
Have I seen something like this on the internet?
How is this like something I know from history?
How is this similar to something in the real world?
Make Text Connections with Picture Books
Modeling the text connections process using picture books is an effective method for reinforcing or introducing the new skill. Reading picture books in a group setting is an engaging way to model the cognitive process required for making authentic connections with the text. The picture books listed below are diverse enough for most students to make all three types of connections. Click here to see question prompts for each book.
Nerdy Birdy by Aaron Reynolds
The Bad Seed by Jory John
The Most Magnificent Thing by Ashley Spires
Wemberly Worried by Kevin Henkes
The Curious Garden by Peter Brown
There’s a Nightmare in my Closet by Mercer Mayer
The Name Jar by Yangsook Choi
Repeated exposure and practice with making text connections will help students develop the confidence necessary for it to happen when reading independently. Click here for seven activities you can use to teach your students to make text connections.
➡️ Get everything you need to teach students how to make text connections! Full-color classroom posters, anchor charts, worksheets, graphic organizers, bookmarks and more are all in one place! Just add the text!
Text Connections Activities, Worksheets, Posters, & More!
“I used these resources with my 6th graders. I love that there were many different formats to choose from.” -Araceli A.
“I enjoy how this activity is structured to teach students the language of making connections which supports them in eventually making connections on their own. Particularly with grade 6 students who need that scaffolding. Great stuff!” -Kristopher J.
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